[orca-list] two other Thunderbird issues

On 05/11/2010 10:45 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
measures taken. Would keyboard echo be the only thing that suffers in
this instance? If so, single character or single word insertions could
trigger as normal, anything longer than that could be ignored.
Orca has a sentence echo too. What you propose would break that.

If I tackle this heuristically it will be to try to detect the start and
stop of an event flood.

What do you think?
File a bug and I'll tackle Thunderbird-only flood detection Friday.


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First, learning to use Thunderbird to some extent may be the one good thing that came out of last month-s crash of the Windows machine that my wife and I share. Of the problems I still have with Thunderbird, I think these are the ones most likely to be related to Orca in some way.
Here's the first problem.  I have my keystrokes echoed.  When I'm 
writing in the body of a message, every keystroke is spoken twice.  I do 
not find this when I'm typing, say, a subject or an address to send to.  
Does anybody else notice this?
The second problem is far more troublesome.  When I'm reading a message 
using the arrow keys (at least, the up and down arrow keys) and come to 
a link, I am stuck at or near that link.  If I've been reading using the 
number pad plus key, I'll go past the link fine.  If I use a find 
command to skip over it, tht also works.  But there are many times when 
I need to read using the arrow keys.  Has anybody else noticed this one?
Thanks for any suggestions, or even corroboration.


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