[orca-list] Technical possible do in Orca a keyboard shortcut with Thunderbird script to jump attachments list?

Hy List,

I have got a question before I do a possible unneed enhancement request with Orca git master version: When I reply or compose a message, some time I attaching files. The attached files are present with a list object, but I think impossible to jump in Thunderbird with keyboard shortcut the already attached files containing list, or I don't known the proper shortcut. :-):-) If I would like remove an attachment with the list, Only help if I go to flat review with one attachment and do one click with Orca+7 keybinding command. After this, the caret jumps the attachment list. Technical possible to do a keyboard shortcut with Orca Thunderbird script to automatize this task? Or this is impossible, because impossible to determining what the actual locale dependent translation the attachment list label? For example, in hungarian localized Thunderbird 3.0.4 version, the attachment list label is "mellékletek:". If I click flat review left mouse button command with this label, the caret jumps with the attachment list right.
In Thunderbird anybody known an useful keyboard shortcut with jumps 
automaticaly the attachment list, or technical possible do this new 
feature in Orca git master version in future?


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