[orca-list] OpenOffice problem

I have found a couple of issues with openoffice writer and orca. The one seems very reproduceable but the other seems less reliable. They both relate to the same thing.
Problem one: When I am writing a list using roman numerals (eg. (I), 
(II), etc) openoffice does autocomplete. If I press backspace when 
openoffice puts one in I find speech says nothing and Braille doesn't 
reflect the change. See below for the example I have used to test orca a 
few times to reproduce this. It seems present in orca 2.30.1 and also in 
current git (updated a few minutes ago).
Problem two: Again when openoffice adds its autocomplete roman numeral I 
press backspace to remove it and then openoffice seems to become very 
unstable. Last time I got it to reproduce this I then pressed j and 
backspace a couple of times and openoffice crashed. I also have seen 
openoffice crash when I immediately press enter after the autocomplete 
of a roman numeral but when I last tried that one it didn't work. I am 
unsure exactly what versions of orca cause this crash, I don't think I 
caused it with orca 2.30.1 but I have caused it when running a couple of 
versions from git (one from a few minutes ago and one from a week or so 
I am using debian unstable which I think has openoffice 3.2.0.

Now here is what I was writing to try and reproduce what I thought I had initially seen (sometimes causes problem two, always causes problem one). NOTE: I have included what openoffice fills in as the autocomplete.
(I) Hello world
(II) Part two

Its when the (III) appears I backspace.

I hope this is clear enough to follow. I thought as the two relate to one action it might be best to report both together as they may be related.
Michael Whapples

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