Re: [orca-list] ubuntu and hardware daisy players

Michael Weaver <weavermicha googlemail com> wrote:
I know this isn't strictly an Orca question but does Ubuntu support
portable Daisy players even if the software which may come with them may
not be Linux compatable or compatable with Orca?
If the player appears to the operating system as a USB mass storage device,
you should be able to mount its file system and copy files in the usual way,
e.g., with the cp command.

Connect it to a USB port and then check your kernel logs (tail
/var/log/messages for example). If it's a mass storage device, it should be
assigned a device name and you can just use the mount command as you normally

If it isn't a USB mass storage device, then somebody may have to write a
driver. In either case, this probably isn't the right mailing list to carry
forward the discussion, since the problem isn't Orca-related.

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