Re: [orca-list] Another Page where Orca gets Stuck

Hey Steve.

I just gave it a quick try using 3.6.8 from Maverick and the 4.0 nightly
from Mozilla.

First, go to this link or similar at this site:
and get into the body of this article after an h1 heading.  Read down
line by line and notice what happens just before each image.  Now
here's the kicker.  I was getting stuck while Firefox 4.0 Beta was
configured with the automatic loading of images unchecked (turned
Confirmed. But I'm only seeing that issue with 4.0; not 3.6.8.

If I were to use continuous reading, it gets past it OK and
With continuous reading/Say All, we *periodically* position the caret in
the objects being read. (Basically, doing so keeps the text being
presented visible for users with low vision.) However, when we're
controlling the caret and you are navigating, by definition we have to
reposition the caret in each object being navigated to. So my initial
guess is that something (dunno what yet) related to setting the caret is
triggering the bug.

sometimes I could use the larg object jump key to get me to the next
block of text.  
(This tells me that the offending object doesn't have a dead accessible
nearby. We can't figure out how to get past them. At least not in the
current code.)

But if I turn the auto loading of images on, then
arrowing down gets me past the pictures.  

But then after pressing F6 to get the url for this page, I tried to
get back to the page text and then orca seemed to go silent on me and
I had to go and restart the program.
Crap. Confirmed.

Is this another case of the dreaded dead accessibles??
I'm not seeing any.

This is going to take a bit more effort to debug. So.... Make you a
deal: If you file this information in a new bug report (against Orca), I
will add it to my high-priority to-do list. After I debug it, we can
discuss where the problem is and how I reached that conclusion. Ok?

Thanks for all your work in this area!

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