Re: [orca-list] Draft Proposed Two-Year Roadmap

Trevor Saunders <trev saunders gmail com> wrote:
* Determine the performance benefits, if any, of re-writing Orcaâs core
* code in C/C++.*

I'll be really supprised if it doesn't help a lot, I've seen a couple
places where all python and c / python speed has been compared in the
real world, and c / python is generally a lot faster, even when almost
all the time should be spent in system calls so the speed really should
be basically the same.
Two other possibilities come to mind. I don't know whether these have been
investigated and dismissed already, however.

1. Pypy, which, when complete, should out-perform the current Python
interpreter significantly.

2. Vala, which is already a gnome project. It's an object-oriented programming
language with built-in memory management that can be compiled into C code.

My concern regarding C and C++ is the risk of segmentation faults due to
pointer and memory management bugs, which seem to creep into C/C++ software
despite everybody's best efforts, especially with multi-threaded systems.

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