Re: [orca-list] Orca does not see any app

Sébastien Hinderer <Sebastien Hinderer ens-lyon org> wrote:
I'm also attaching the debugging file produced by orca and the
.xsession-errors file.
Judging by the latter, your gnome installation is broken, but I don't know
enough about the inner workings of Gnome to determine the likely cause. Be
sure that all packages are installed properly, and that D-Bus is started -
there seem to be problems receiving replies from D-Bus services that should be

My guess is that if you asked someone to look at the display or took an image
of it and had someone check it, you'd find that the desktop isn't starting up

I'm on the latest Debian Sid and, as mentioned before, mine is fine, so it's
something specific to your system.

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