Re: [orca-list] Orca and gnome 3

I found the Orca autostart option in system preferences as well, but it still doesn't automatically start. I'm still trying to diagnose this, and I really do suspect that something in the startup process is failing and ausing the entire initialization process to abort before it gets to Orca (and possibly at-spi2 as well). Not having much luck yet, unfortunately, even when I occasionally curse at it :). Has anyone tried GNOME 3 on a non-Arch distribution and if so, did you have these problems? I'm not planning to switch distros, but I'd like to know if this is something wrong with Arch's packages or if this is a general problem.

On 4/8/2011 11:25, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have also tried orca and gnome 3.0 on archlinux. I can confirm Jacob's observations that not all applications seem to be revealed to at-spi2.
Regarding the getting orca autostarting I found how to enable this by 
selecting the option in the system preferences.
I haven't tried gnome-shell, so cannot comment on that.

Michael Whapples
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