[orca-list] A suggestion to improve orca on the web

One thing that sometimes annoys me about orca is that if I am on the web and I press the wrong navigation key (eg. may be I just forgot what object I want to move to or may be I am not in an edit box when I think I am), I have no way of cancelling the action. This is annoying because while orca's performance has improved over time, it still can take a long time for orca to move to the next structural element (eg. header) This slowness is particularly bad when going backwards and when structural navigation wraps to the top or bottom (dependent on direction of navigation). Currently I have to wait for orca to finish looking for the next structural element, and then I must get back to where I want to be (which also can take time).
What I am asking for, is a way to be able to cancel the orca structural 
navigation action. I would imagine such a feature would place me back on 
the web page where I was before I started the action which I cancelled.
At the moment this is something I have thought "it would be really good 
if orca could do", I haven't yet done any looking into how possible it 
would be to add such a feature into orca. I imagine that those who know 
more about how orca's structural navigation works probably could easily 
tell me whether such a feature is technically possible or not. If such a 
feature would be possible, should I make a feature request in bugzilla? 
Also do other people feel such a feature would be of use?
Michael Whapples

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