Re: [orca-list] Orca sometimes putting all lines on one line in firefox 4

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 01:44:07PM +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have just downloaded a nightly version of aurora and that is
fixed. Still leaves firefox 4.x builds broken, and as firefox 4.x is
currently the stable one being included by distributions it really
needs fixing.
well, there's nothing I can do about getting the patch into 4.0.x, I'm
not even sure there will be another 4.0.x release, but your free to
comment on the bug :-)


Michael Whapples
On 27/04/11 13:34, Michael Whapples wrote:
I downloaded a nightly build of firefox 4.0.2pre (latest) but I
still see the problem.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Trevor Saunders wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:59:03AM +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
I mentioned this before but was uncertain where the problem was.
When I have converted a PDF to HTML using pdftohtml, the resulting
HTML when viewed in firefox 4.0 is presented on one line by orca. I
believe firefox is laying the HTML out correctly as flat review does
lead to the text not being on one line. Also in earlier version of
firefox (eg. 3.5.x 3.6.x) orca did present the HTML on multiple

This problem does not seem to be specific to any particular PDF, it
seems to show up with any PDF I have tried.

Do others see this problem? Should I get it reported to bugzilla
against orca?
that's almost certainly a known firefox issue where the fix didn't quite
make it in time for firefox 4 :/ see if you wouldn't mind though
please make sure it doesn't show up in a nightly build.


Michael Whapples
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