Re: [orca-list] Another odity

What are you seeing in the key bindings table. I did this recently
because I had to map the function move to next word in flat review to
Orca+l in the laptop keyboard layout. Here's what I did:

First, I switched to laptop keyboard layout and saved my Orca settings.
Next I went back into Orca preferences and went over to the key bindings
page. On this page, the Orca modifier now said caps-lock. I then found
the function move to next word in flat review in the key bindings table.
I arrowed over to the right hand column and made sure the modifier tick
box was ticked. I then arrowed back to the key binding column and
pressed enter. I hit the key Orca+l and pressed enter again to save it.
It now said Orca+caps-lock+l in the key bindings column. I save
everything, and it worked.

Ah, knowing that the insert key also gets passed through makes some
sense. I was trying the desktop keyboard layout, and I was getting some
strange results when using the pass through function. I now see that
that strange behavior could have been explained by the insert key being
passed through to the application. It also makes sense that the same
reason Orca can't keep the caps-lock key from being passed through to
the application would also apply to the insert key.

On 09/08/11 15:57, Tom Masterson wrote:Yes it is being set up correctly
in the key bindings table and is even preserved there as changed the
next time I look (including after a reboot) so it is recognized by orca
as set but it is not working correctly (and yes it is being passed
through to Gnome which is also true of the insert key).

On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

Are you setting this up in the keybindings page of Orca's preferences?
Is the Orca modifier set to caps+lock? Are you checking the modifier
tick box in the far right hand column of the key bindings table? If
you're doing this then you should see Orca+caps-lock+n in the key
bindings table when you press Orca+n in the key bindings column.

Note that somewhere along the way, the caps-lock key is captured by Orca
as well as being passed through to the application. therefore, Orca+n
may read your previous message, but it'll also toggle caps-lock.

On 09/08/11 15:02, Tom Masterson wrote:
I am seeing an odity under buntu 11.04 using Gnome Classic and a new
installation.  It does not trap the orca key be it capslock or insert
(in fact I think this is true on my upgraded version as well).  In
fact if I have assigned something like previous notification message
to orca+n (which it shows on my laptop as orca+capslock+n) and I then
press capslock+n it just types the N or n depending on current state
of caps. This is with the version of orca that comes with Ubuntu 11.04.

Any idea why this is happening?

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