Re: [orca-list] Measures to reduce Orca and Gnome crashes

Hi Thomas,
Yes, I am aware of unity and its problems regarding accessibility.
By this reason I didn't upgrade to ubuntu 11 since I am using ubuntu in my job and at home.

On 12/30/2011 11:49 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
Hi José,

I don't know if you are aware of this, but newer versions of Ubuntu
don't ship with Gnome and instead use a desktop called Unity.
Unfortunately, Unity isn't as accessible as Gnome so there really
isn't a good answer for your question unless you want to use Unity 2D
with newer versions of Orca. However, if you want an up to date copy
of Gnome and still use Ubuntu you'll have to first install Ubuntu
11.10, and then install Gnome from the apt repository. Then, you have
to configure Gnome to start after login etc. I can say from personal
experience its something of a major hassle, and its for that reason
I've dumped Ubuntu from my systems. Right now I am looking at either
Arch or Fedora 16, but this business with Unity on Ubuntu has turned
it into a distro to stay clear of.

On 12/30/11, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza<vilmar informal com br>  wrote:
Hi joanie.

To use the latest orca we need to update to a new version of ubuntu.
What version is recommended? 11.04 or 11.10?
Thanks and congratulations for your nice job with orca.
I wish you all a happy new year.

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