[orca-list] Another Firefox related speech problem when I using Orca+Tab and Orca+Shift+Tab key combination


When I using orca+Tab or Orca+Shift+Tab key, Orca not doing a pause before the tutorial message. You easy to verify the difference if you open www.google.com webpage for example, and try some Orca+Tab or Orca+Shift+Tab and Tab or Shift+Tab jumping with form fields. Before you doing this, check the tutorial messages preference and the pause related checkbox with speech page (I think this is checked by default). You will be clean hear the difference if you using Orca+Tab and Orca+Shift+Tab if you doing after normal Tab or Shift+Tab jumping with form fields. Tab and Shift+Tab generated speech result is better. See for example the Tab or Shift+Tab generated speech result, this is the right output method because have dot intonation and a pause before the tutorial message:
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Google keresés szerkesztőmező.'
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Gépelje be a kért információt, vagy módosítsa a meglévőt.'

Now following the Orca+Tab generated speech result:
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Google keresés szerkesztőmező Gépelje be a kért információt, vagy módosítsa a meglévőt.'
Sorry the hungarian text copy.
I reported this bug with following link and attached the debug.out file:


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