Re: [orca-list] I see a traceback error message when I would like using GDM shutdown possibilities toggle button, needs confirmation

Hey Attila.

I'm wondering if you followed the instructions to remove/uninstall the old Orca. As a reminder here are the first two points from my Flag Day message:
1. You will want to be sure to uninstall -- or otherwise remove -- your
   currently-installed Orca *if* you plan to install the current master
   into the same location.

2. has been moved to within the scripts dir. This is one of
   the reasons item number one matters. If you have local scripts
   and/or an and/or any app settings files which
   import the default script, these will need to updated.

The reason I'm wondering if you had indeed done this is your traceback.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/orca/",
line 236, in _dequeue
This call is clearly to the new event manager, which was created during 
the refactor.
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/orca/",
line 482, in _processObjectEvent
Same for that call.

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/orca/", line 403,
in processObjectEvent never moved. No problem.

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/orca/", line
3381, in onStateChanged
But there is no in orca any longer. This is where 
used to be. If you were using the correct you should see the 
path as /usr/local/lib/pythong2.6/dist-packages/orca/scripts/ 
The fact that your traceback lacks the 'scripts' bit suggests to me that 
you did not remove the original Orca, but just installed the new Orca 
and now have two defaults. The old default is the one being found first. 
And this is problematic due to things like:
orca.visualAppearanceChanged(event, event.source)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'visualAppearanceChanged'
orca.visualAppearanceChanged being called by the old The new (in the scripts module) would not call 
orca.visualAppearanceChanged because it no longer exists. <smile> That 
would also explain this traceback.
Were it me, I would completely get rid of the contents of 
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/distpackages/orca (carefully). Failing that, I 
would at least delete the following:

Please let me know what happens after you remove the files which should not exist. Thanks!

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