Re: [orca-list] pigin

On 21/07/11 13:46, Deedra Waters wrote:
I looked at the key bindings table for pigin, and it says  that the orca
key plus f1 either and or f9 speaks the last conversation. This seems
vague to me, I've hit those 2 keys and all the function keys in between
but it still doesn't speak the last message from the conversation. What
am i doing wrong here.
Note that this will only work for messages that came in while your
current invocation of Orca was running. For example, if you restart
Orca, and no mew messages have come in yet, then you won't hear anything
by pressing Orca+F1.

Also it looks like it's got other options "speak the name of the chat
room the message comes from" and so on. These all have checkboxes by
them in this table but no key. I want to enable these functions, how?
These all look like reasonable functions, and i'd like to use them.:P
OK, here's what I did:

1) Use Orca+control+space while in Pidgin to bring up the Pidgin
specific settings.
2) Arrow over to the key bindings page.
3) Tab twice until you hear "function column header".
4) Down arrow until you get to "toggle whether we prefix chat room
messages with the name of the chat room".
5) Right arrow once until you get to the key binding column.
6) Press enter to enter the key binding.
7) Try something like Orca+- and press enter to confirm.
8) Repeat for the other two functions. I used Orca+0 to toggle whether
you're notified whether your buddy is typing or not. Note that this
toggle doesn't seem to do anything, as far as I can tell. I used Orca+=
to toggle whether we provide chat room specific histories. Of course,
you can use any unused keys you want.
9) Now tab over to OK and wait for Orca to restart with the new key binding.
10) Now alt+tab over to a chat room in Pidgin and toggle all of those
functions on and wait for the messages to come in. Toggle off the
functions you don't want.

Note that there's a few opportunities for some nice enhancements here.
First, the message you get when announcing the chat room name is a bit
wordy. It would be good to just shrink this down to the name of the chat

Second, it would be good if you could suppress the chat room name when
that chat room has focus and only announce the chat room name for the
hidden chat rooms.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain gmail com

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