Re: [orca-list] Firefox 4 + orca: testing needed

On Sat, Mar 05, 2011 at 10:36:07AM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
As an overview to this, I have been using nightly builds of FF 4 for a
while now and generally, not too bad.  Too biggies however are already
filed bugs concerning the inability to hear spoken text when
backspacing in most edit boxes.  And I still presently cannot hear any
There's a patch fixing the mozilla part of this issue on however that patch doesn't
help you at all until gets
fixed.  The short story is that a long time ago someone working on the
atk api for text insert and removes though it would be a good idea for
the app to tell the at-spi-registryd that text had changed and then the
registryd would ask app what text was at that location.  Honestly, I'm
not sure how that manged to work at all, but somehow it was fine in gtk
etc, but in firefox after atk gets the text has changed signal that the
deleted text is already gone.  So the fix needs to be a non-brain
damaged api where the application gives atk the location of the text
that was deleted and  what that text was at the same time.

spoken text when arrowing around in edit boxes for the Bookmarks
Creation and library management dialog.  For a while there I could not
rename a bookmark in any way; that part got eventually fixed but I
still cannot change names of bookmarks while saving it.
Can you really confirm this with the latest nightly?  It works for me,
and we thought this bug was fixed.


I pretty much use FF4 exclusively now.

On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 05:44:49PM +0100, Fernando Herrera wrote:

As you may know Firefox 4 is coming really soon. Accessibility is one
of the key points of Firefox. We have put a big effort making it much
better than Firefox 3 while avoiding any regression.

It would be great if we can get more testing of Firefox 4 + orca, so
we can find any regression not shown on other platforms.

You can download nightly builds of firefox 4 from here:

and you can fill any bug you find at:

under the disability access API component.

Also, I use to hang around #a11y at and #accessibility
at if you need some help.

Thank you very much!

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