Re: [orca-list] interesting firefox 4.0 weirdness

Before running the test I ran and shut FF 3.6.15.
Then I ran the new version of FF.
Two tabs were opened, one tab with a page from mozilla and a taba withsome links and a google search dialog.
I shut the FF and repeat the test without running the 3.6.15 version of FF.
Only one tab wer opened, the tab that contains some links and a google search dialog.
Now everytime I run FF only the second tab is shown. However if I run FF 
3.6.15 and run the new version of FF, the two tabs are shown.

On 03/09/2011 11:58 AM, Fernando Herrera wrote:
2011/3/9 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza<vilmar informal com br>:
If I am not mistaken the link points to a 32-bit file but I am running a
64-bit installation.
Do you have a link to a 64-bit firefox that contains the same changes?
Sorry, here it is a new build for linux64: mozilla 

Thanks again!


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