Re: [orca-list] Orca with Webkit?

Thanks. I know it's not ready for testing, but I had to ask since Arch just recently replaced their Gecko-compiled version of Yelp 2 with Webkit and this made it useless. I'll build from master when I get a bit more time, since I also need to update glib among other things (needs 2.27, arch has 2.26).

On 03/22/2011 01:14 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Jacob, all.

What is the minimum version of WebKitGTK that I need for it to work with
Ideally, master -- especially for Yelp. A critical change was just
committed yesterday by legend and hero, Mario Sanchez. Failing "just
build it yourself," you'll want at a bare minimum 1.3.12. Given work
that is still taking place, aim for the next release of 1.4.

version of Webkit is too old. iT'S VERSION 1.2.7.
Way, way, way too old I'm afraid.

As a reminder to everyone, WebKitGtk accessibility -- and Orca's support
thereof -- are still very much a work in progress. The immediate goal is
to get Yelp 3 and Orca working together correctly so that Help content
remains accessible in GNOME 3. While I still have some more work to do
in that regard, things are shaping up nicely.

Accessing pages more complex than simple text requires additional work
to be done by either Mario or myself or both. Also, because I am not
quite ready for people to be testing this officially and filing bugs,
the remaining "known issues" are still in my head and not in bugzilla.
Once I get all of those in my head fixed, I will announce on the list
that we are ready for official testing and bug reports. And I will get
in the habit of filing bugs myself so that people can track what work
needs to be done.

Thanks for your interest and stay tuned!

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