Re: [orca-list] charge condition of my laptop battery with orca?

I don't know if this is distro specific or not but on my Arch Linux
system, I can press the Ctrl+Alt+Tab key combination until I hear
Something like "Top Panel"; once there, tab around past the menu bar
and then listen for "Icon." On my system, I then can press Ctrl+F1 key
over each of these icon instances and the meaning of those icons will
be spoken.  One of those Icons on my system exposes the battery and
power conditions on my computer.

Sorry if this sounds so verbose but the Top Panel is where these icons
live and Ctrl+F1 will make Orca speak the labels for those which do
not speak by themselves.
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 10:35:21AM +0100, Marion Peterreins wrote:
Hi all,

is there a possibility to read the charge condition of my laptop battery?
I'm using Ubuntu 10.4
and orca 2.30.2

thanks in advance,
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