Re: [orca-list] [VINUX-DEVELOPMENT] Orca caps-lock fix

Hy Bill,

I tryed your last attached patch with my Oneiric system, The patch works wonderful with Orca master version. Thank you this patch.
I attaching now a git diff command generated patch.
Beginner users easyest appliing this patch, if already downloaded for example with Orca master version from git repository without need going in src/orca directory and run patch -p0 command. This situation need doing following:
1. Please go to top of the Orca main source directory.
2. Run simple following command:
patch -p1 <capslock.patch
If the patch is right applied, you will be see the patch is applied with src/orca/ file. 3. Do ./, make, make install commands, and restart Orca. After this nothing need doing, the Orca caps lock related issue is resolved. I not tested this patch with orca-xdesktop branch, because my Lucid system this issue is not happening. If you not need doing any work this issue related your patch, please attach your patch with following bugreport:
Hopefuly this way fix is acceptable with upstream level, and short time will be Joanie or other Orca developer committing this fix.

Attachment: capslock.patch
Description: Text Data

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