Re: [orca-list] Problem with webkit and

I want to make a note:
on the page, sighted users will see the text "View other
Eclipse sites". Apparently this is only an image of text.

With the XHTML doctype, the "link text" is placed erroneously in divs
inside the anchors. While I don't understand why a webkit browser
would have any problems ignoring this error (divs are blocks and
cannot exist within anchors), I'm curious if webkit+orca works if it's
written correctly?

The divs are display: none and should not be read out but images have
appropriate alt text which should be read out as link text.

I made a temp version using spans in that menu (nothing else changed
but there is no other CSS and images aren't referenced):

Does this react any differently? (I'm currently on my xfce machine,
no orca and no webkit)

Also, I thought of another webkit browser to try: SRW Iron. It's
Chromium without the Google Chrome spyware, and there's a .deb for
Debian-based systems installation.
Here's the Linux installation page from the SRWare forums with
tarballs and .debs:

This would be good comparison from Epiphany who I think still
gets affected by Gnome settings. I notice for example Chromium and
Chrome don't inherit system font settings while Epiphany does on my
Ubuntu machine.


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:26:13AM +0000, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have noticed an issue with Orca and webkit. Here is a test case:
1. Visit
2. Cursor down the page and listen to what orca says.

Expected: Right at the top of the page there should be links for things  
like "Forums", orca should be reading the names of the links out.
Actual: Orca just read these links as "Link image".

Set up is Orca 3.2.2 and epiphany and webkit 1.6.1.

Michael Whapples
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