Re: [orca-list] Firefox text fields

It might be related to

It is committed in Firefox 7, it changed some events for text changes with new ATK library.
I'm not sure if Orca recognize the new events.

I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 in VirtualBox to have a try.


On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

I would agree the situation has become worse, and that it seems to be
related to a Firefox update. I get no characters or words echoed as I
type into an entry field in Firefox. It used to be just the case that I
didn't get any feedback when pressing the backspace key, but now I don't
hear anything when typing anything into an entry field. I can review
what I        typed using the cursor keys, including control+arrow to move by
word. Note that I'm running Firefox 7.0.1 and Orca 3.1.9-xdesktop on
Vinux 3.2.1 (Ubuntu 11.04).

On 22/10/11 18:28, Jason White wrote:
As of Firefox 7 (and I'm not sure when the bug was introduced), characters
typed into text fields are not presented either in braille or speech unless
one uses the cursor keys to move around in the text field.

Can others reproduce this? I know there are already associated Mozilla bugs
regarding backspace, but the situation appears to be worse now - I can't read
what I type into any text field, as far as I can determine.

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Christopher (CJ)
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