Re: [orca-list] Please test master; please provide debug.out's for the pidgin problem

Hello Joanie and all,
Has any one else tryed the latest master?
I had reported that all is well here.
I think we can get the commit to the final stage and let the daily
build guys of Ubuntu put int it into Ubuntu.
Happy hacking.

On 06/04/2012, Hammer Attila <hammera pickup hu> wrote:
Hy Khrisnakant,

My Ubuntu 12.04 system when I start Libreoffice Writer or Libreoffice
Calc with first time, first time Orca not loading Soffice script until I
not restarting Orca.
When the Soffice script is not loaded, for example in Libreoffice Writer
my machine Orca always spokening text related tutorial messages with
every up or down arrow key presses, or every ENTER key presses. This
problem is resolved if I restarting Orca with orca --replace command.
In Libreoffice Calc first start if the soffice script not loaded, unable
to move between cells, or Orca presenting extra input lines with are not
need. This is happening usual if the formula toolbar menu item is
enabled with Libreoffice Calc, and resolved my machine the problem if I
run orca --replace command.
Usual first time the Libreoffice apps starting relative slow my machine,
I need waiting about 13 second. If I enabled the quick start possibility
in Libreoffice preferences/memory page, this issue is not happening.
I attached two full debug.out files an already opened report:

I using at-spi2-core 2.4.0-1 and latest master version of Orca.

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