Re: [orca-list] thunderbird getting bad to worst, is evolution a good choice?

On 10/04/2012, Thomas Ward <thomasward1978 gmail com> wrote:
Hi krishnakant,

On 4/10/2012 2:37 AM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
I am really confused.
I am sure that I must be doing some thing wrong here.
I type alpine and after some time it does ask for a password.
after that it only keeps saying "/ \" or "___".
You have to give Alpine some time to scan your mail directories. If they
are very full or on a remote machine it can take a while. About the only
way to resolve this issue is to pop messages with Fetchmail to a local
directory which will scan faster.
But isn't pop unrecommended these days?
I guess with pop the entire inbox will become huge enough for alpine
to clutter, isn't it?
I have 21000 emails in my regular inbox right now, many with attachments.
I wish I could take my inbox file from thunderbird and give it to
alpine, but I did not fine a way to do so.

Any ways I like to have my inbox on my machine so I can search for
mails off line any time, so perhaps imap will not help here.
further more, I never understood the suspence behind composing an
email from alpine.
what if I wish to cancel the sending of email?
It never works with me.
I only went pass pressing ctrl + x and it asks me if I wish to send
"y, yes, n, no and c, cancel " I type n and enter.
I am back in the compose area and can't find a way to get out of it..
Cancel means just that. When you press control+x y tells Alpine to send
the message, n tells Alpine to continue composing the message, and c
cancels the message and brings you back to your inbox.

I see, that solves the confusion.  I will give it a try once I have my
inbox in place.
I think alpine needs a lot of practice, because checking the help is
not really helping.
Or may be given my large inbox, i must wait for an hour at least to
get all the emails downloaded?
Well, if you are using imap Alpine doesn't download your messages. It
just scans the directory on the mail server and displays a list of
messages available there. However, as explained earlier part could be
your connection and part could be the size of your inbox directory.

So are there ways in which I can have imap physically download my
emails, even better which ever I need?
I am just wondering how exactly imap functions.

As a side note, I herd that alpine is no longer supported.  Is this an
advantage or disadvantage I can't say,
one advantage is that given all the features of alpine are good enough
for use and are accessible, we have a stable software for long long
time to come.
but disadvantage is that if we have a bug which I am sure we have,
there will be no one to fix it.
What do you all think?
Remember we are talking about open source here. If Alpine were a
commercial piece of software the lack of continued development/support
might worry me, but as long as we can get access to the source someone
can maintain it, fix it, and update it as necessary.
Agreed, and after reading this thread, I feel quite a few of us are
using alpine and have no problems with it.
Just wondering if I go for fetchmail, is it really difficult to setup?
And what is the actually different between procmail and fetchmail?
happy hacking.
In any case I will configure mutt and try my hand at it.
Happy hacking.

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