Re: [orca-list] discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry

Hi Krishnakant.

On 04/11/2012 09:55 AM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
hello all,
I just tryed using calc for some important work and I was a bit disappointed.
firstly i pressed capslok + r for setting the row header.
But that feature does not work like it used to in older versions.
It works for me. I'm wondering if you are suffering from the same
AT-SPI2 timeout issue that is being seen in Pidgin and LibreOffice by
others. A way to find out would be to do an 'orca --replace' after
having already launched Calc. If the problem is always initially present
and then always goes away, it's probably the timeout.

Secondly, when I type in cells the experience is really bad to say the least.
type in a cell and try moving to the next one, coordinates are not
read properly.
If you are suffering from the AT-SPI2 timeout problem, then Orca doesn't
necessarily know you are in Calc. And if that is the case, the default
script is kicking in and it doesn't know anything about Calc. The way to
see if this is your problem is, again, to do an 'orca --replace' after
having already launched Calc.

Also note that if it is the timeout problem, we are very much aware of
these issues and Mike Gorse is actively working on them.

Thanks for your testing and feedback!

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