Re: [orca-list] orca 3.4.1

On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 05:46:27AM EST, Guy Schlosser wrote:
Hi all, I'm just curious.  Are we gonna get Orca 3.4.1 on Ubuntu
12.04?  If not, should I just build it from git?  Last question is,
on my desktop machine, Orca is not auto-starting.  I get it at the
login screen just fine, but when I enter my password and press
enter, I have to press my pre-defined hot-key in order to get orca
to come up.  How do I get orca to auto-start?  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Yes 12.0.4 will get Orca 3.4.1, and Orca 3.4.2, etc. Orca 3.4.1 will not be in the final precise release 
because  12.04 has been in hard freeze for a good week and a half now, and given that the release is on 
Thursday, things are pretty much locked down, except for absolutely horrible system destroying show stopper 
bugs that may get found. Orca 3.4.1 will be pushed out as an update in a week or so, once its been tested.


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