[orca-list] Orca, Firefox and Google Play: install doesn't work

I was noticing this problem just before my computer died. Now that I have Arch Linux on a flash drive running on an old box, I have decided to try again.
I got a direct link in an e-mail to an app on Google Play that I want to 
push to my phone from Firefox. The problem is that after I click the 
"install" link on the app and the popup window opens up with the 
permissions for the app and the button to install it, this install 
button is invisible to Orca, both from the Firefox navigation and using 
flat review. I can find the cancel button, which I can click with the 
flat review mouse emulation, but there is no install button of any kind. 
It seems there is a bug here, as it works on my phone's browser and on 
the Firefox mobile nightly builds, but I'm not exactly sure where to 
report the problem. I would appreciate any help getting this resolved. 

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