Re: [orca-list] Fwd: Re: check this out

+1 from me,
I am sure such a merger could have only strengthened the work of Vinux.
Indeed in FOSS every one gets credit for their work so that also wasn't an issue. I wonder why this keeps happening, first the isolated attempt by an oranization called CDAC in India which is of no practical use IMHO, and now this one.
Happy hacking.

On 08/24/2012 02:35 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
On 23/08/12 23:00, Jason Miller wrote:
Secondly Jonathan, are you sure they aren't going to begiving the users
the choice by including it in the log on options? Some individuals don't
want to move forward, that's true, but others are ready and willing to
embrace the changes in Unity 2D.

And again, now that I see the obvious difference that was originally
posted, of you not including Unity 2D, what makes this one any better?
It just seems like reinventing the wheel for no other reason other to
say I reinvented the wheel.
I too wish they'd joined the Vinux development effort. I can't imagine
the Vinux team wouldn't have been willing to include someone willing to
work on offering Gnome Shell and Gnome Classic along side Unity 2D.

On 08/23/2012 11:01 PM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:

The difference between the two are Vinux offers their distro using
Unity-2d and Sonar is Gnome-classic and Gnome-shell. Of which Vinux
doesn't offer.

On 08/23/2012 10:30 PM, Robert Cole wrote:
Hello, Jason.

I am forwarding your message (below) to the Orca List so that you may
get a better answer. I have not gotten to try Sonar out just yet.

Take care.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [orca-list] check this out
Date:   Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:23:36 -0400
From:   Jason Miller <hobbgoblin79 gmail com>
<mailto:hobbgoblin79 gmail com>
To:     Robert Cole <rkcole72984 gmail com> <mailto:rkcole72984 gmail com>


So what are the differences between this, and Vinux? What makes this any
better, oo more usable?

On 08/23/2012 10:18 PM, Robert Cole wrote:
Very nice! I will check this out.

I have a friend who is an Assistive Technology Instructor here
locally, and he has taken interest whenever I talk with him about
GNU/Linux. This may be a great distribution for him to try out! I am
going to take a look at this when I get a chance.

Thanks, Jonathan!

On 08/23/2012 07:06 PM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
I don't know of anything but with the classic gnome version of Sonar
The top panel with the shutdown and networking along with the other
things is 100% accessible.

On 08/23/2012 10:01 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
Has anyone seen any improvements to the accessible experience of
regular Unity in 12.10 alpha?  Ubuntu ought to have some sort of
menu in their installer that lets you pick the desktop environment
you want to install. This way, people could still choose gnome
classic and have an accessible installer while they work the bugs
out of Unity.

Alex M
  On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Kyle wrote:

I will be trying this out shortly, if not right away, as soon as I
can get my main box rebuilt. This could be exactly what I'm looking
for to recommend to people who are just getting started with Linux
and need something that just works(tm). I especially like the fact
that there is a working choice between GNOME classic and
gnome-shell, and both come up talking out of the box. This will be
especially important for Ubuntu 12.10, since they have already
dropped Unity2d from their alpha repos. The question then would be
do you plan to coordinate with all Ubuntu releases, or will you be
focusing on coordinating with LTS releases? Thanks very much for
the great work.
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