Re: [orca-list] What meaning following commits into master branch?

I have read the bug reports associated with those commits and according to the quoted conversation Joanie vs Luke I understand now orca is supposed to be started and stopped via accessibility menu, in gnome it already works this way and if orca is started this way it does not show a main window for quite some time already. Quit confirmation window is just a minor thing and since going to accessibility menu and quitting orca from there is not trivial I guess it is not likelly people may activate that by accident.
Personally I am used to having orca main window around to make sure I do 
have at least one accessible window on the screen so if something 
freezes I can alt+tab around and work out whether I need to resort to 
command line or even reboot.


On 01.12.2012 08:42, Hammer Attila  wrote:
Hy Joanie,

I have got some questions with Orca master branch latest commiths related:
"commit 4a0de155b0e0c97ff6da82ce0251d2d46fecb896
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Fri Nov 30 03:33:35 2012 -0500

     Fix for bug 689330 - Eliminate the Splash Window"

commit ab0b27c7545c0b58b4eddbfa2f13b9956ba06998
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Fri Nov 30 01:37:37 2012 -0500

     Fix for bug 689327 - Eliminate the Main Window"
This commits meaning entire not possible presenting Orca main window
(not possible activating into main window with settings, about, help and
quit buttons)? If this is the case, how can possible presenting Orca's
about dialog or activating Orca help? Always need goto preferences
dialog, activating the help button, switch back preferences dialog and
close the preferences dialog? If this is the case, not possible
associate a central keybinding to present Orca's help content any time
(for example Orca modifier+SHIFT+O keystroke)? In laptop layout Orca
modifier+O and Orca modifier+CTRL+O are reserved keybindings for flat
review. Possible have better key binding this purpose with equals easy
to press with desktop and laptop layouts, but I not have now better ydea.

"commit 448687ddcaeffb15dfc6b31daca65f93b792626b
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Fri Nov 30 02:31:37 2012 -0500

     Fix for bug 689329 - Eliminate the Quit Window"
This commit meaning Orca always quitting without confirmation if the
user press Orca modifier+q keystroke?

Sorry my possible trivial questions, but now longer time period I not
see Orca master branch version.

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