Re: [orca-list] Notebook style apps

You should try to learn Emacspeak.  I've used many a note taking
application and device and nothing, I mean nothing is as incredible as
Emacs' Org-Mode for taking notes.  You can do structured editing, fold
away areas that you aren't using at the moment and you can incorporate
elements like tables and links very very easily.  You can make the
notes hierarchical i.e 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 etc with levels of headings
and much more.  You can then have the thing spit these out to you in
plain text, html, pdf or docbook as well as latex.  Perhaps Tomboy
does these things, I don't know.  I steered away from it when I saw it
was integrated with Evolution.  I'm sure it's got some nice features

Alex M

On 12/2/12, Krishnakant Mane <krmane gmail com> wrote:
Tomboy notes beyond doubt.
Happy hacking.
On Sunday 02 December 2012 08:08 PM, Andy B. wrote:
I need to take notes on some books that I am reading, as well as for
school next semester. What is a good notebook style app that works
good with orca?

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