Re: [orca-list] links list

Actually, some how I am very happy with the browsing experience on Firefox with Orca. I won't go to the extent of saying that proprietary software is the clear winner because that's really not the case.
Besides, there is always a great probability that some one will just do it.
Such chances of "do or get it done if you like " only comes in free software.
Happy hacking.
On 12/07/2012 08:47 AM, Alex Midence wrote:
It'll never happen, my friend.  Nobody who's ever experienced it is
knowledgeable or motivated enough to put this into Orca or Firefox
and, nobody who knows how wants to do it.  About a year and a half
ago, someone actually created the beginnings of a patch for Orca to do
this.  I don't know why but his patch never made it into Orca and
noone has pickec up where he left off and, depressingly enough., I
suspect noone ever will.  I don't think the browsing experience in
Linux will ever equal the one to be had in Windows.  In this,
proprietary software is clearly the winner.

Alex M

On 12/5/12, Dattatray Bhat <bhatdv gmail com> wrote:
I also think that 'list of links/ headings' feature should be part of Orca,
not Firefox. But if anybody wants to check how the firefox extension
worked, here are steps to install Firefox 3.6 and navigation bundle
extension -
Note: I am using Ubuntu 10.04

    1. Download file
    2. Extract its contents to home folder. This will create folder firefox
    in home folder.
    3. Download file
    4. Copy the file to ~/firefox.
    5. Open terminal window. Run command ~/firefox/firefox. This launches
    Firefox 3.6.28.
    6. Go to File - Open File. Select file
    ~/firefox/navigationBundle-1.4.xpi to open.
    7. Software Installation window opens. Click on Install now.
    8. Add-ons window opens. Click on Restart firefox.
    9. Navigation bundle functionality is available in Tools - Navigation

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