Re: [orca-list] links list

Hi Jason,

On 12/6/12, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
Depending on the project, you could work on it with a stable version of
(e.g., 3.6 at the moment), then forward-port the changes. Ubuntu 12.10
reportedly uses a Python 3 version of Orca, so you wouldn't have to deal
the Python 2 to Python 3 transition after upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10.
I suppose that would work. However, in this case I'm with Joanie and
feel the links list
feature should be a plugin or add-on for Firefox rather than being
bolted onto Orca itself. >

Part of the advantage of having open source software solutions is that
we have the source code for the applications such as Firefox and can
fix the problem at the application level rather than doing what Jaws,
Window-Eyes, etc have to do which is bolt the accessibility on through
the screen reader rather than in the application.

I'm not an Ubuntu user, so I can't comment on how stable 12.10 is at this
point, or on whether that upgrade would be a good move or not.

Well, I've looked at 12.10 and while its usable I prefer to stick with
long term support releases because they generally are more stable,
more reliable, and tend to continue to get patches and updates when
the intermediate releases are scrapped.

That said, I might be willing to setup one box here as a development
system running a intermediate release of Ubuntu or whatever for Orca
development if there was something I really felt needed work done to
it that I didn't already have in Orca 3.4.x and Orca 3.6.x.

It might be better to wait in any case for some of the Gnome changes to
down; I'm just pointing out that there are options available that don't
involve installing alpha or beta versions of Gnome and its dependencies.

________Makes sense. However, as for myself I will wait and see as it sounds to me like after Gnome 3.8 a 
lot of these big changes such as newer Python version, API changes, and of course getting Orca settings 
rolled into the Control Center will be in place and I won't have to worry about breaking something serious 
by updating my code from a very old code base.

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