Re: [orca-list] vm player that works with orca

I'm running Vinux 3.2.1, and I didn't do anything special to get VMware
Player running. I don't believe it's a Java application, but I'm not
sure. When I start it, it drops me in the list of recently used virtual
machines. If you haven't created any virtual machines yet, I'm not sure
what the initial screen looks like. I can tab around this screen to
start a virtual machine, change it settings and so on. I can also use
the f10 key to go into the menu bar and in the File pull down there's
the option to create a new virtual machine. This just takes you through
a wizard.

So you're starting System Tools -> VMware Player, and you're not getting
anything? The f10 key doesn't do anything and tabbing and arrowing
around don't take you to anything? What about flat review mode?

I'm not sure I can help much more, since it just worked for me, but what
OS are you running and what desktop manager?

On 03/02/12 05:52, Andy Borka wrote:
No go. It installed, but again,
inaccessible. There has to be some trick people are doing in order to
get swing apps to work that I am not getting somehow. I have atk
wrapper, default-jre, and access bridge all installed (access bridge
comes with default-jre). What do I do now?

On 02/03/2012 06:46 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
It's been a while since I installed it from scratch, and I don't want to
reinstall it right now to check, but I believe all I did was the

1) Open a terminal or a console, and use the cd command to make the
directory where the .bundle file is located the current working
2) Make sure the .bundle file was executable with the following command:

$ chmod 755<.bundle file name>

3) Run the executable .bundle file with the command:

$ sudo ./<.bundle file name>

Note the "./" preceding the file name, which assumes you're in the
directory wherre the .bundle file is located.

4) Respond to the questions that come up.
5) After the install, look for System Tools ->  VMware Player. Note that
I'm running the classic desktop, but I'm sure you could find it with the
Dash in Unity.
6) You may have to reboot or restart Gnome at some point. Just follow
the on screen instructions. I think when you first start VMware Player,
you may also need to let some components be recompiled, but again, just
follow the on screen instructions.

There are probably other ways to do this, but I'm pretty sure this is
what I've done to get it to work and install in the past.

On 03/02/12 05:27, Andy Borka wrote:   
How did you get it installed? I downloaded it from VMWare's website,
pressed ENTER on the .bundle file, and after a few minutes of my laptop
spinning hard, ended up with a screen that orca would not respond to. In
fact, after a point it was as though orca was not even running. Any
ideas? If this a swing app, I never had success with getting them to
work; even with atk wrapper and access bridge it still fails.

On 02/03/2012 06:15 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
Also, I'm not sure what is meant by VMware Player not being accessible
with Orca. I use it daily, and I find it accessible. BTW, I run Orca
3.1.9-xdesktop on Ubuntu 11.04, and I'm using VMware Player 4.1. I run
Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10 as guest OS's in VMware Player.

On 02/02/12 22:38, Jason White wrote:
Andy Borka<sonfire11 gmail com>   wrote:
Does anyone know of a vm player that works withh orca? Both
virtualbox and vmware player are inaccessable.
I'm not sure what you mean by a "player", but if you're just looking
for a
virtualization solution you could also try Kvm or Xen.

Kvm will let you forward a braille device from the host operating
system to
the guest operating system. I haven't tried it, but it's documented.
It also
supports audio. If the guest system is running in text mode, (i.e.,
console of the guest is text rather than a video frame buffer), you
can access
it directly from the host system - see the -display curses option in
the qemu
manual page.

Xen has similar functionality for text access.

With audio forwarding, you might be able to run Orca in the guest and
with it from the host system. However, the graphical display of the
system can't be made accessible directly on the host - you have to
run Orca on
the guest.

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