Re: [orca-list] vm player that works with orca

I filled out that form years ago when I first started using VMware Player under Windows, so unfortunately I can't help with that.
You can download VMware Player from the download page of Virtual Vinux 
though at:
On 03/02/12 17:34, Luciano de Souza wrote:
Now, I could find it. The register form is really boring. I filled name,
e-mail, country, state, zip code, ocupation, address and I answered lots
of specific questions. I have never understood why to obley users to
fill it. Some asked information is not applied to me. Despite this, I
had to fill. As a result, I filled it with imaginative values and I
ocupy some space in their database.

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the register. Firstly, the reason was:
"required fields weren't filled". But after filling everything I don't
know what is wrong. I have increased the strength of password, but it
haven't also worked.

Since I don't have a sighted people to help me, it seems I won't be able
to do it alone. If someone has a tip how to overcome this step or a
direct link to download it, I will thank a lot. If not, I thank anyway
and I will wait for another opportunity.

Em 03/02/2012 20:45, Christopher Chaltain escreveu:
VMware Player is free. This is all you need to create and run a virtual
machine. this is what I use with Orca on Ubuntu and in Windows with JAWS
and NVDA, and I've never had to pay for it. VMware offers other
products, such as VMware Workstation, which are not free and obviously
have more features than VMware Player. I'm sure if you Google for
"VMware Player download" you'll find it. VMware does make you register
before you can download it, but although this is a bit tedious, I've
never had a problem with it.

BTW, this is one of the reasons I'm an advocate for using correct names
of programs. The program you want is VMware Player and not VMplayer or

On 03/02/12 16:29, Luciano de Souza wrote:
By the way, is VMWare a free software? I searched it in Internet, but I
fell in a sea of pages and I couldn't identify a maner to download it.
If VMWare is not a free software, is there another virtual machine I
could use with Orca?

Em 03/02/2012 09:15, Christopher Chaltain escreveu:
Also, I'm not sure what is meant by VMware Player not being accessible
with Orca. I use it daily, and I find it accessible. BTW, I run Orca
3.1.9-xdesktop on Ubuntu 11.04, and I'm using VMware Player 4.1. I run
Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10 as guest OS's in VMware Player.

On 02/02/12 22:38, Jason White wrote:
Andy Borka<sonfire11 gmail com> wrote:
Does anyone know of a vm player that works withh orca? Both
virtualbox and vmware player are inaccessable.
I'm not sure what you mean by a "player", but if you're just looking
for a
virtualization solution you could also try Kvm or Xen.

Kvm will let you forward a braille device from the host operating
system to
the guest operating system. I haven't tried it, but it's documented.
It also
supports audio. If the guest system is running in text mode, (i.e.,
console of the guest is text rather than a video frame buffer), you
can access
it directly from the host system - see the -display curses option in
the qemu
manual page.

Xen has similar functionality for text access.

With audio forwarding, you might be able to run Orca in the guest and
with it from the host system. However, the graphical display of the
system can't be made accessible directly on the host - you have to
run Orca on
the guest.

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