Re: [orca-list] I just added an override regarding the forced disabling of the main window

I mean this as kindly as possible. <smile>

I agree with Jason about the window's physical presence. One of the first things which I do when I get Orca up and running on a fresh system is to go into the preferences and disable the showing of the main window.
Sorry for the short message. Just wanted to add my two cents.

As with Jason, I am just so grateful to see the strides Orca is making. I am really excited to see what the future holds for Orca.
Thanks again, Joanie and all others working on accessibility!

On 02/23/2012 06:00 PM, Jason White wrote:
Joanmarie Diggs<jdiggs igalia com>  wrote:
Hey again.

Being a good GNOME citizen, Orca will of course adhere to the
expectations of the GNOME Community, and that means disabling the main
window by default with the autostart file. But for those of you who
really, really want a means to override this.... Check out master. And
in your file, add the following:

import orca.settings
orca.settings.overrideDisabledMainWindow = True

I hope this will prove a reasonable compromise between good citizenry
and end user needs without requiring users to manually edit autostart
I think that's reasonable. I wasn't complaining about the current behaviour at
all, just to be clear.

In fact, my personal preference would be not to display the main window. At
the moment, though, in Gnome 3.2, nothing receives focus by default, which is
why one is presented with the Orca welcome message, followed by nothing
whatsoever. Again, that isn't necessarily wrong, but it can create the
impression that all is not working correctly.

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