Re: [orca-list] Have again problems with Gtk Check boxes?

Atk defines the interfaces that toolkits/widgets use on the application side to expose themselves to an AT. At-spi2-atk implements atk-bridge, which bridges ATK and AT-SPI (ie, exposes ATK objects over D-Bus and sends events over D-Bus).

On Thu, 23 Feb 2012, Robert cole wrote:

I was able to reproduce what Hammer wa s seeing, but I did as you instructed, Joanie, and now the problem is not present.
On my system I have at-spi2-core, at-spi-atk, and atk pulled from Git, 
compiled, and installed to my /usr/local directory. I pulled all of 
these this morning after reading this message, and atk was the only one 
with new additions. a dumb apologies for this. Is there a difference 
between at-spi2-atk and atk? After updating the atk package the problem 
was gone after logging out and then logging in again.
Regardless, I'm glad I can finally try to do some testing with Orca now. 
Everything seems to be working smoothly for me now.

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