Re: [orca-list] Fwd: Re: Q t enquiries

On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 03:29:21AM EST, Jakob Herrmann wrote:
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I just managed to run the qt-at-spi module under Arch linux, the
examples from the git repo, amarok, psi and some other apps work, i.e.
Skype doesn't. When I invoke Skype from a terminal, I don't get any
output about the at-spi module either which is the case with the other
apps I tested, so it seems that it is neither used not loaded at all.
. As far as I know, Skype uses qt. So is there anyone who has tested
it with orca anbd qt-at-spi successfully?
Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of arch? If you are running 64-bit Arch, then you need a 32-bit 
version of the QT accessibility module, to work with the 32-bit version of QT that Skype is using.


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