Re: [orca-list] Proposal: Remove the emacspeak suppport

+1 I have never used a hardware synthesizer in my entire life, that I can remember. I didn't even know what one was until just recently. :)
On 01/04/2012 05:18 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:
I suggest removing it if no one else is using it.



On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 20:12:17 -0500, Joanmarie Diggs<jdiggs igalia com>  wrote:
Hey guys.

Back in June [1] I asked you all if anyone was using Orca with
Emacspeak, and as an aside suggested that it would be great if we could
have support for hardware synthesizers in speechdispatcher.

What resulted from my question was more of a discussion than a concrete
consensus. But the feeling I got from that discussion was that we have
people using Orca and people using Emacspeak, but we do not have people
using hardware synths with Orca via Emacspeak.

If these is indeed the case, and given the plans to make presentation
modalities "pluginable," having old cruft around which would have to be
converted is more trouble than it's worth *if* it's honestly not
something anyone needs.

So... Discussion is, as always, encouraged. But at this point it is a
proposal on the table for which I'm requesting a vote.

Thanks as always, guys!


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