Re: [orca-list] Using Ubuntu all the way now

On 29/01/12 12:22, Thomas Ward wrote:

Yeah, that's really the only solution for the problem given that the
entire commercial software industry relies on Microcrap, and its hard
to make a living developing software for the open source community
because its free and open source.

Well, In a few European countries as I have herd, and definitely in India wher I reside, there is lot of money in foss. I get payed full time to lead a foss based accounting and micro financing software. There are a lot of my friends employed in Redhat and IBM who work exclusively on developing foss. Besides there are huge commertial enterprises here in India and to a great extent in Brazil as I am aware, who depend heavily on foss. So as a result my contact with windows has been needless and Now after reading your emails, I would never ever touch windows.
Orca really rocks with all its shortcomings.
I know all problems will get fixed in due course of time.
Infact I am trying to seek funding from Indian government or a few promising commertial enterprises (the names I will declare in due time ) for funding the development of Orca. Once that happens some experts on this list can get me started and they can be appointed as advisers and can even be payed for their services. Any ways, this gets too off topic, interested parties can get back to me off list. But I think the conclusion is to install both the Oss on different partitions.
Happy hacking.

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