Re: [orca-list] instead of control, orca reads primary in shortcuts

Hey guys.

Temporary I attached a patch with simple replaces the Primary string 
with already Orca translation awailable Control string, but Joanie would 
like doing another way fix I think.
It's not a matter of like versus not like. It's a matter of we cannot
count on the Primary key mapping to the Control key. It *probably* does,
but if and when that is not the case, your solution of merely
translating the word "Primary" into the word "Control" means that we
might actually present the wrong modifier. Presenting "Primary" might be
totally sucky, but at least it is technically correct. <smiles>

Anyhoo, one of the reasons why I had held off on committing a fix is
that the ATK/AT-SPI2 hackfest in Spain would -- and did -- give me an
opportunity to have a face-to-face discussion with the Gtk+
accessibility developer -- along with the accessibility developers of
other toolkits. And I wanted to talk about this 'Primary' stuff before
making any changes.

I have just committed a fix to master for the 'Primary' issue. Please


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