Re: [orca-list] Orca in LibreOffice Writer

Ok, i notized that orca breaks the actual speechprocess by pressing
anykey in any programm. Not only in libreoffice. 
I use Gnome 3.4.2. 
Does anybody know about this problem? Maybe a wrong configuration? Have
i something to care?

Am Dienstag, den 24.07.2012, 23:32 +0200 schrieb Chris:
I have this problem on Fedora 17 and ubuntu 12.04 both with gnome 3.4.2
(orca ist 3.4.2 too) and LibreOffice
I can reproduce it with my pc, my laptop and the netbook of my
girlfrind. can anybody help? it makes ora nearly unusable in
libreoffice :( because i dont know what i typed.
orca stop speaking if i write the next word and the preview word is not
finish spoken.
Am Mittwoch, den 18.07.2012, 15:47 +0200 schrieb Milton:
On my machine with Ubuntu Precise, Unity 2D, Orca 3,4,2 and LibreOffice I cannot confirm.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris" <chrys87 web de>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 2:03 AM
Subject: [orca-list] Orca in LibreOffice Writer

Hi all,
i use the function  in orca which give the echo of the actual written
word. if i type a text in libreoffice orca says nothing because orca
stops speaking if i press any key.
normaly orca speak the written word after the spacebar. but i type the
new word after the spacebar so orca have no time to say the last word.
in my oppinion orca only should not stop speak on pressing an char (a-z)
or number (0-9) (only on orca modifier, the next space (because its the
next word to say), esc or someting else).
is this a known problem? any workarrounds?
i think this is not only an problem in libreoffice :/.
thats a real problem so i have to write "blind" ^^ or i must wait for
every word (so its verry slow to work).


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