Re: [orca-list] Priorities GNOME-Shell 3.4 (was Re: Trying Quantal Quetsal Alpha 3)

Hi Piñeiro, We get quite a bit of complaints regarding access to wifi info, and battery charge, so I would give these bugs priority over volume control, but volume is also quite important in my opinion despite having a work-around.


On 07/30/2012 07:18 AM, Piñeiro wrote:

on Ubuntu 12.04 gnome-shell 3.4.1 is being shipped. This was,
IMHO-AFAIK, the first version of gnome shell "usable enough", in the
sense that Orca users could use it. In fact for the first time, Orca
users are reporting GNOME Shell bugs. BTW, thanks everyone !

Anyway, I thought that those new bugs (and existing bugs) severity were
in the range low-normal. But looking to this mail, it seems that there
are still major bugs that prevents Orca users using GNOME Shell.

At this momet, the main problems that I knew that are still open are:
   * Volume slider is still not accessible [1] (workaround: open sound
   * Battery power level are not accessible. This also affects which is
the current wifi connection [2]

So as we are in the middle of 3.6 cycle (probably the version to be used
on ubuntu 12.10), it would be good to know in which stuff we should
focus. So, I would like to ask the Orca list which are the major stuff
that prevents to an Orca user to use gnome shell.



On 07/30/2012 06:48 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
I get a feeling that gnome shell will be pritty accessible in a couple
of months, given a lot of work has gone into it even from Orca end.
So if some one wants to shift to 12.10, my question is will gnome
shell be a bit more accessible than what we had in Ubuntu 12.04?
happy hacking.

On 07/30/2012 04:28 AM, Kyle wrote:
Wow thanks Dave. I'll take a look at gnome-shell again as soon as I
get a chance. Currently I'm waiting to rebuild my computer and am
trying to get Arch to boot from a thumb drive. I'll give gnome-shell
another look on whichever I can get working first.
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