Re: [orca-list] other tts engines besides espeak and pico that are known to work?

i'd say mostly espeak, pico and voxin. By the way, if you want to get voxin to work on ubuntu precise you'll need to do the following, at least this is how I got it to work. If you are using the vinux daily builds, make sure you extract the voxin archive to somewhere in your home folder. Then change into that directory, then to the common directory inside teh voxin directory. Locate the file called and open it with gedit or your favorite text editor. Search for the line that says, dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop & /dev/null and change this to, dpkg -l vinux-desktop & /dev/null. This is because vinux has a customized package called vinux desktop. Save the file and close it. Now run the voxin set up script, and things should work. If you hadn't done this, the voxin script would complain that there were no speech dispatcher drivers and try to build them, which will fail epically. If you're not using teh vinux daily builds, then forget all that stuff I've just said, and run the voxin install script and things should work. If you have any more problems, can you try attaching a type script? Just type script before you run the voxin script and then type exit after the errors show up and attach it to an email. i'm no expert on voxin but if i can't help there are probably people on the orca list who can.
Kendell clark
On 06/03/2012 11:50 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
so is there any other ones folks are using? or is it just espeak, pico and voxin?
On 6/3/2012 9:19 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
Known to work, yes. Easy to install ... I'm afraid not. There's always Festival but it's a pain to get working because you have to edit a file and tell it to route it's output through Pulse Audio. There's also Eflite which I have never been able to get to work.

Alex M

On 06/03/2012 07:42 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
Hello I reinstalled ubuntu again and tried voxin still can't get it to work. there any other synths that are recommended that work with orca besides espeak and pico that are known to work and are easy to set up?

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