Re: [orca-list] Festival


Just to add to this I find the English U.K. voices are superior to the
U.S. voices. When I use to use Festival on my system before switching
to ESpeak I use to really enjoy the U.K. voices because they were
pretty decent sounding.


On 6/5/12, Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com> wrote:
If you ever heard a Braille 'n Speak from the 1990's, Festival's default
English voice kinda sounds like that, but with slightly better
inflection. Other languages may work better, but I'm not sure. If you
have eSpeak working, I would recommend sticking with it. Festival can
run other voices, but I'm not sure that they are supported by
speech-dispatcher, and the last time I tried to get an alternate
Festival voice speaking, which granted was several years ago,
speech-dispatcher was by far the easiest way to try to configure it, as
Festival's configuration files are not as easy to read as other speech
synthesizers. Having said this, if you can get Festival talking and can
figure out how it works, it is quite extensible, and it is even possible
to create new voice data for it in any language you speak. The default
voices are probably not as good as eSpeak, but because of its
extensibility, it has great potential.

On a related note, I thought it used to be possible to get FreeTTS,
which if I remember correctly, is a Java reimplementation of Festival,
working in speech-dispatcher. Is this still possible/does FreeTTS even
work now? Or is it rather pointless to try to make it work if one
already has Festival talking?
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