Re: [orca-list] Empathy and Orca

Yes, I have been very satisfied with Pidgin for the most part.  There
are some areas that I don't care for how it handles things though
which is why I'm exploring Empathy.  The biggest of these is that my
system freezes up entirely whenever Pidgin notifies me that a buddy
has either gone offline or come online on my Precise installation.
This doesn't happen on Debian Squeeze so, I'm thinking it's a bug with
either the latest Orca, At-spi, or Pidgin.  The other reason is that
I'm currently on a kick to try and use the integrated features of
Gnome as much as posible as they stand to save me time and effort if
applied correctly or, at least, that's my thinking.  Take Gwibber for
instance.  Sending a tweet or updating my wall on facebook can be done
from anywhere just by clicking on the Update Status button on the
Message menu.  It is fast and very convenient.  If similar integration
exists for other applications, I want to avail myself of it.  Trouble
is, all that stuff isn't on the same page with regards to

Enjoy your trip to Kerala.  I hear the food there is delicious.

Alex M

On 6/7/12, Krishnakant Mane <krmane gmail com> wrote:
So far as I have seen,
I don't see why it would be worth investing some time.
Right now I am in a flight and won't be able to test empathy in its
latest version.
But by the time I get back online and the Email reaches the list, I
might have already given it a try.
Apparently I am going to the southern state in India called Kerala.
We have a big center for training blind people with exclusive use of FOSS.
They too have been asking me the same question.
I feel currently pidgin is the best tool for chatting on many protocols.
Happy hacking.

On 06/07/2012 01:19 AM, Alex Midence wrote:

Is anyone currently using Empathy as a chat client?  If so, what
tips/pointers & snafus can one expect?  I've been using Pidgin but
wondered if Empathy was worth investigating due to its integration
with Gnome.


Alex M

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