Re: [orca-list] Regarding the migration to Python 3

I can through some light on this.
Python2, the stable version has all the libraries and version 3 the new but slightly faster version has fewer.
There are a few other issues with Python3 such as the way in which heep is handles and some more which I 
can't discuss on this mailing list.
I think in a year's time all will be well with python3.
As of now, python2.7 has been declared the last version in the 2 series.
all the major enhancements to python3 will be and do get ported to version 2.7.
I think as time goes by, all the libraries will eventually shift.
happy hacking.
On Tue, May 01, 2012 at 10:20:26AM -0500, Alex Midence wrote:
I think it'll be fine.  I think my Ubuntu installation has both as
well.  Not being a Pythonista, I've never understood why there are two
versions still in active use.  Isn't Python 3 the better one of the
two?  Why aren't more people using it as the default?  I've seen most
python programs written with some variant of python 2 and most of the
textbooks and introductory books I've come across only seem to feature
2 and rarely 3.  I'm guessing this will make Orca faster and/or more
responsive somehow?

Alex M.

On 5/1/12, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
Krishnakant mane <krmane gmail com> wrote:
There is still a problem with many libraries not working well with Python
So what if I need python 2X still to be the default on my machine?
That's fine. My machine (Debian) has Python 2.7 and Python 3 both installed
parallel, and:
jason jdc:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/python
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jan 25 08:52 /usr/bin/python -> python2.7

So 2.7 is the default, but any script that needs Python 3 can just do this
its first line:
although I understand that the proper way to do it is
#!/usr/bin/env python3
which works as long as python3 is somewhere in $PATH.

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