Re: [orca-list] PHPMyAdmin and Orca

It has been some time since I used phpmyadmin but I didn't have much
trouble with it back then.  I was using Firefvox and Orca at the
time.  I usually just moved through the links and didn't bother much
with frame navigation.  Maybe I need to take another look at it with
more current versions of everything.

On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 03:54:12PM -0400, Andy B. wrote:
Does anyone use PHPMyAdmin with Orca? If so, do you have any tips on using
it effectively? The problem I seem to have is that everything is in frames.
The main frame where the main content is put seems to have problems with
Orca. The main problem is the list of links for servers, databases,
import/export, structure, and privilege's. The exact problem is that Orca
wont read the links.


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