Re: [orca-list] Proposal: Eliminate the "gui setup" command line options

Hi Joanie,

I agree that most of those setup options can and probably should be eliminated. Although, I'm a bit concerned about this move to put all of Orca's options into the control center. I understand the design logic behind this, but I have some concerns about doing so.
1. If Orca's settings do become a part of control center will I still be 
able to use insert+space to go directly to Orca's settings or will I 
have to go to the top panel, find my user name, arrow down to System 
Settings, arrow to the Universal Access option, find the Orca settings 
tab, etc?
For me this is a serious concern because I often open Orca's preferences 
to switch between synths or to change settings like punctuation on the 
fly. If I have to spend a minute or two getting to Orca's settings where 
insert+space takes seconds to access the same settings currently I think 
that would be a huge step in the wrong direction.
2. With the number of desktops in development and being upgraded with 
a11y support wouldn't it make more sense to have a central place for 
Orca's settings? If Orca's settings do become a part of Gnome's control 
center how does a person using KDE, Lxde, Xfce, get access to Orca's 
Yeah, I understand that KDE or whoever may have to write their own 
control center settings for Orca, but that seems to me to be reinventing 
the wheel. In the meantime before they do that are we forced to log out 
of the session, log into Gnome, change Orca's settings, log out of 
Gnome, and back into KDE?

Basically, as a Orca user I want to know how this change will effect me. How much work will I have to do to access those preferences, or will there be some effort made to maintain the current ease of use by pressing insert+space to go directly to Orca's preferences?

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