Re: [orca-list] how accessible is linux mint?

The last I tried it (Linux Mint 12) Orca was not included on the CD. I'm not sure about the DVD. You can install it, though, in a live session using:
sudo apt-get install gnome-orca

from a terminal.

On 05/24/2012 12:12 PM, Simon Eigeldinger wrote:

you are right. i guess partly we are spoiled by ubuntu's and debian's accessibility features in the installer. might try if i can launch orca somewhere in the live session but i read somewhere that orca might not be on the dvd.
might be wrong though.


Am 24.05.2012 20:06, schrieb Alex Midence:
Debian is a good example of levels of a11y.  Their text-based
installer with the debian speaks iso is 100% accessible and absolutely
no trouble at all to use.  Once you launch Gnome, though you  have
some tweaking to do to get some of the apps that go in as root
accessible like going into alacarrte and making them launch inside a
terminal and mucking around with the sudoers file.  then, you have
Ubuntu whose text-based installer is, to my knowledge, not a talking
one but whose graphical installer talks just fine once you hit a
hotkey.  The gui has all the stuff done for you so that root-based
apps like synaptic and software sources are accessible for you without
you having to go and tweak anything.  The console though is not
accessible.  In spite of this, one would hardly label Ubuntu
inaccessible.  I find it a joy to use, frankly and the only thing
Debian's got over it now for me is at-spi is less crashy in Debian and
I can use my console with espeakup.  Emacspeak installation is more
painless in Debian than it is in Ubuntu also.  But, then Ubuntu has
qt-at-spi working out of the box and I get to use qt-based apps which
I can't use in Squeeze.  I suspect other Linux flavors have similar
gaps and things.  The single most accessible Linux distro I have ever
seen was Vinux 3.0.

Alex M

On 5/24/12, Al Sten-Clanton<albert e sten_clanton verizon net>  wrote:

You're certainly correct to note that there are different levels of
accessibility.  Still, I'd guess that you'd choose the more accessible
distro over the less accessible one, unless the less accessible one has
some feature you really want.  I sometimes think about Fedora that way,
since I like rpm and especially yum. On the whole, though, that's a bad idea for me, since I rarely have sighted help for my computer. (Also, I
don't think the Fedora folks are even remotely as committed to
accessibility as, say, Debian, which has, for one thing, include Speakup
for a while now.  Just my quick thoughts.


   On 24/05/12 12:07, Alex Midence wrote:
I don't think that a distro's not letting you install it without
sighted assistance makes it inaccessible.  It's probably quite
accessible once you have it in place.  Look at Fedora.  Once you have
it all installed, you can use it just fine with all the a11y stuff.  I
think there are various levels of accessibility.

Alex M

On 5/24/12, Simon Eigeldinger<simon eigeldinger vol at>   wrote:

then it seems not that accessible as they say on the website. thought
they wrote something about that they are a accessible distro.
or maybe i am reading something wrong there.


Am 24.05.2012 15:47, schrieb Alex Midence:
I think you have to install Ubuntu propper and then enable Mint's
ppa's in order to accessibly install Mint.  I seem to remember a
posting on this that said that.

Alex M

On 5/24/12, simon eigeldinger vol at<simon eigeldinger vol at> wrote:
hi all,

does someone know how accessible linux mint is?
can it be installed by a blind person and how does that work?


Simon Eigeldinger
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