Re: [orca-list] ubuntu-12.04 testing results on my netbook

MichaÅ Zegan <webczat_200 poczta onet pl> wrote:
And, remember that most of my problems are not related to unity, and
I really don't think they don't have some of the described problems,
especially performance-vise, but everything is possible.

I'm not experiencing the performance problems, but I have much faster machines
with multiple CPU cores and more memory. In fact, when I switched to AT-SPI 2
from AT-SPI 1 I noticed that Orca was more responsive than before.

There are profiling techniques to identify performance issues in code, but I'm
definitely not an expert in those. However, those techniques are the only
means that I am aware of for tracking down the cause of such problems.

You can also look at over-all memory usage and CPU load averages to see if you
notice anything obviously amiss.

I don't use Nautilus, so I can't comment on that, except to say that
performance issues have been widely reported here.

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